Wonderful presentation of the building of King Solomon’s Temple by Cleveleys Mark Lodge Masons
5rd March 2013
Members and visitors attending Pharos Lodge No 7421 in the Craft were treated to a wonderful presentation at Fleetwood Masonic Hall of the building of King Solomon’s Temple by two members of Cleveleys Mark Lodge No 1176. This was no ordinary run of the mill lecture as the rapt audience soon discovered, but a demonstration featuring a large visual aid and explained in detail at every stage by the presenters who showed that they really knew their stuff.


Pharos’ members and visitors initially only had a white cloth to see when they entered the lodge room which, in itself, added an intriguing part to the mystique of the evening’s proceedings as to what was going to be unveiled – but for that the audience had to wait.
When the time came for the demonstration to begin King Solomon’s Temple presenters, Mark Masons Jeff Smith and Jimmy Rogers, gradually let their audience in to the secret. Beneath the cloth lay the starting point of a fascinating, informative and intriguing revelation of facts and figures regarding the building of King Solomon’s Temple.
What lies beneath? All that the members and visitors to Pharos Lodge could see at the start of the evening.

Jeff and Jimmy related the origins of their information, namely the biblical Book of Chronicles and the Book of Kings. Pharos Lodge members and visitors heard that this was the first temple ever built for God to reside in; that all the precious objects in it were made of gold or bronze. The presenters told much more; that everything was to perfection.

And so was the demonstration. Jeff and Jimmy, piece by piece and with full explanations, added miniature artefacts, more walls and a tower which all contributed to giving the model a sense of scale and magnificence. Everything really came to life when Jimmy finally illuminated the true-to-scale model of the completed King Solomon’s Temple. Brethren were then invited to walk round the model to view all of its detail and intricacies at close hand.

Above: left to right round the model of King Solomon’s temple are: Below: Tony Blundell
Jimmy Rogers, Jeff Smith and Tony Blundell.
has a closer look at the model temple.

Jimmy advised that though there are no archaeological remains of the Temple that: “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” He continued that the original idea for the demonstration came from W Bro Sidney David Bates and since its inception in 1983 the presentation has been performed 511 times. Including the Pharos’ demonstration Jimmy has been in action 141 times playing his part in the building of the Temple.

WM of Pharos Lodge Tony Blundell thanked the presenters on behalf of the lodge and the many visitors for their “wonderful presentation.” That the evening had been thoroughly enjoyed was obvious from the wealth of congratulations offered to Jimmy and Jeff by several speakers at the end of the evening.

Article by Bob Boal, Photographs Courtesy of Peter Clay